domingo, 24 de enero de 2016


Choose the name of the urban tribe from the list below:

Resultado de imagen de diferentes tribus urbanas

-           emo
-           grunge
-           gothics
-           heavies
-           posh
-           punks
-           otakus
-           hipsters

Students find a  chart with the description of urban tribes. After some time to read, they identify the urban styles and debate on the questions below:

            What’s the most / least attractive in your opinion? Why?

-                              Is there any urban style you particularly find too different to be accepted?

-                              Why do you think people change their look in such a way?

This urban tribe listens to emotional hardcore music. They are young teenagers with a pessimistic point of view. The hair covers some part of their face and they wear piercings, converse trainers and black t-shirts.

Urban tribe born in Seattle very interested in music and anti-consume society.
They have a dirty look and they wear striped and coloured T-shirts and ripped jeans and old coloured trainers.

This urban tribe looks like a violent band but they are pacific. They wear black clothes of leather, spiked accessories and religious elements, for example crosses.

They like to do weekend outings, hear music from Heavy metal bands and go to gigs. They are anti-militarists and anti-authoritarian. They have long hair and they wear jeans.

They like to play paddle, go shopping and parties. They are consumists, they love shopping. They wear different colours, tight trousers and striped shirts with a nice-coloured sweater on the shoulders.

They have big and colourful crests and a lot of piercings and tattoos. They wear very tight jeans, leather jackets and ripped t-shirts with anti-logos.

They wear very colourful clothes and make up. They love comics and dressing like their favourite characters.

They love art, music and fashion. They wear tight jeans in different colours and big glasses. They love reading and wearing checked shirts on top of their tight t-shirts.

Now, click on the  to find instructions and deadline for the project

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