domingo, 8 de abril de 2018


Resultado de imagen de tales of the supernatural black cat resumen

You have read four short stories of mystery containing supernatural elements: ghosts, haunted characters, strange meetings...

Charles Dickens and Edgar Allan Poe are two of the writers of these stories. You have probably read something by then but here is your opportunity to learn a little more about them.
Choose one of them and follow the link to the task.

Go on reading and  enjoy most spooky stories...

 Resultado de imagen de dickensSee the link to the Dicken's Museum in London and explore the activities offered. Which ,one would you join in and why?

Resultado de imagen de allan poeHere you have a link to an animated horror story by Poe. After watching it tell me which one you enjoyed more, the one in the book you just read or this animated one. Why?

Send me both tasks in a word document (between 80 and 100 words)

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