domingo, 13 de enero de 2019


Resultado de imagen de FITNESS PILATESFITNESS activities are much varied and motivating than before and sure there is a reason for all these new methods being introduced today.

Yoga, AeroPilates, Functional training routines, Cardio sessions, BodyPump, KettleBell workouts... you name the lot...

Here is a link to a different kind of physical activity, outdoor proposals for adrenaline junkies. Watch and find out a bit more about its benefits, risks and history behind.

Resultado de imagen de extreme sports

Now it is your turn to do some research and elaborate a brief presentation in class about new fitness methods. Click on the icon to see some motivating pictures. Do you know any others? Go for them!!

Imagen relacionada 

And finally, here is a link to a B1 presentation about sports you can use as an example for your brief presentation in class                  (Source Marek Connell)       Resultado de imagen de B1 level

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